
Large green industrial tank behind chain-link fence with barbed wire, surrounded by yellow and orange wildflowers, rocky terrain, and trees under a clear blue sky.

Our Experience

RECON has extensive experience assisting water districts, public works departments, and public utilities successfully meet their environmental compliance requirements for emergency repairs, ongoing operations and maintenance, and capital improvement projects.

Workers repairing a water pipe in a trench

Our Expertise

Our project expertise includes storm drains, pipelines, utility infrastructure, reservoirs, pump stations, wastewater treatment plants, and water reclamation facilities.

We understand how these projects are designed, constructed, and operated as well as the regulatory environment in which they must operate. Many of our projects are completed through on-call and as-needed contracts.

A partial list of our clients is provided below.

Client Spotlight

Project Spotlight

  • Wildflowers and greenery under a blue sky

    County of San Diego Department of Public Works As-Needed Environmental Consulting Services

    RECON has worked with the County of San Diego (County) Department of Public Works since 1999, providing general environmental services on an as-needed basis. RECON has been responsible for conducting a full range of biological and archaeological resource services and noise analyses and preparing environmental documents in compliance with local, state, and federal policies for public works projects throughout the county. RECON has also provided regular adjunct staff to the County, which has involved preparing technical reports and documentation on behalf of the County, assisting in agency negotiations for the County's programmatic maintenance permits, and conducting third-party reviews of technical reports and plans prepared by other consultants. Our work has covered the full range of environmental tasks ranging from opportunities and constraints studies during the project design phase to construction monitoring during project implementation.

  • Industrial site with large storage tank and parked vehicles on gravel surface.

    Eastern Municipal Water District Environmental Consulting Services, Category 1, Environmental CEQA/NEPA

    RECON has provided as-needed environmental services in support of Eastern Municipal Water District's (EMWD) capital improvement projects since 2018. The full scope of services has included the preparation of CEQA/NEPA documents and supporting technical reports; biological and cultural resources monitoring; preparation of mitigation monitoring plans and habitat restoration plans and implementation; and resource agency permitting and coordination. RECON’s task orders have included RECON biologist to respond within 24-hours to satisfy pre-construction requirements and provide monitoring to keep EMWD in compliance with environmental regulations.

    RECON regularly supports EMWD with environmental constraints analysis to support resource avoidance during project planning and design and preparation of technical studies to support CEQA exemptions for operations and maintenance. RECON also regularly conducts pre-construction surveys and monitoring to ensure compliance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations.

  • Landscape with green shrubs, a palm tree, distant hills, and a partly cloudy sky.

    Olivenhain Municipal Water District As-needed Environmental Support Services

    Since 2019, RECON has been providing the Olivenhain Municipal Water District with as-needed biological, wetland permitting, habitat restoration, and CEQA compliance services, including continued support of an annual easement clearing program that allows the Olivenhain Municipal Water District to maintain access to its facilities within the easements and for maintenance or replacement of pipelines. Key tasks have included CEQA, wetland permitting, and habitat restoration services for pipeline repair projects; CEQA documentation for recycled water pipeline projects; biological surveys and emergency wetland permitting for emergency repair projects; and CEQA and biological and cultural resources services for a parking lot and trails improvement project. All tasks have required initial site assessments, surveys, agency coordination, and preparation of reports.

  • Vallecitos Water District entrance sign with stone pillars, tree, and building in background on a sunny day.

    Vallecitos Water District As-Needed Professional Services, Environmental

    RECON continues to provide as-needed environmental services to support the Vallecitos Water District for its pipeline projects (water and sewer), lift/pump station projects (water and sewer), water storage tank projects, and grading associated with those projects. RECON completed task orders, which included biological and cultural resources and notice of exemption and Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. RECON's work has brought Vallecitos Water District into compliance with City of Carlsbad Coastal Development Permit and Open Space requirements for their emergency repairs and pipeline improvements.

  • City street with palm trees and tall buildings at sunset

    City of San Diego Public Utilities Department As-Needed Environmental Services

    RECON has provided on-call environmental consulting services to the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department and has been responsible for providing biological and cultural resource services, including emergency response, compliance monitoring, surveys, and technical reporting. Task orders issued have primarily involved emergency biological monitoring and post-construction reporting for sewer spills; biological surveys and sensitive species surveys for vegetation removal activities; and environmental compliance, construction monitoring, and post-construction reporting for the redesign of sewer access paths. Projects have also included assessment of mitigation opportunities and long-term monitoring and management of biological resources within conserved lands by the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department.

    Many of the projects also required immediate response and deployment of monitors to address emergency infrastructure repairs.

  • Hoover Dam with desert landscape and clear blue sky

    Metropolitan Water District of Southern California On-Call Environmental Planning Services

    RECON continues to provide biological resources monitoring and certified arborist services to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California on a task order basis under this on-call environmental services contract. To date, projects have consisted of support for ongoing maintenance and operations activities in environmentally sensitive areas.