Since 1972, RECON has collaborated with clients to successfully navigate the ever-expanding and complex environmental process. Through our long-standing relationships with local agencies and jurisdictions, combined with an in-depth understanding of the needs of our clients, we are efficiently able to negotiate the environmental review process and see projects to successful completion.

Our expertise encompasses numerous disciplines, and our award-winning services are applied to a full range of land development projects including utilities, public infrastructure, solid waste, transportation, residential, commercial, industrial, mixed-use, recreation, redevelopment, and institutional, as well as general plans, specific plans, master plans, and renewable energy. We are ready to assist you in all phases of CEQA and NEPA processing, from initial project review to environmental documentation, noticing, public involvement, responses to comments, and public hearings and findings.


  • Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)

  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)

  • Mitigated Negative Declarations (MND)

  • Environmental Assessments (EA)

  • Categorical Exemptions and Exclusions

  • Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

  • Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRP)

  • CEQA and NEPA Noticing

  • Third Party Reviews

  • Administrative Records

Featured Projects


Lori Spar, CEQA Project Director based in San Diego California, shown smiling with shoulder-length blonde hair wearing a light purple shirt, standing outdoors with greenery in the background.

Lori Spar
CEQA Project Director