Cultural Resources
RECON offers a full line of cultural resources management services to assist clients from the project beginning to end including the planning, permitting, mitigation design, and construction phases. RECON has successfully completed all levels of prehistoric and historic resource identification, evaluation, and mitigation of impacts under CEQA and NEPA. We specialize in resourceful, efficient, and professional means of solving project-related issues.
We are highly familiar with the policies, procedures, and regulations of federal, state, and local resource agencies pertaining to cultural resources, including CEQA and NEPA, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the Archaeological Resource Protection Act, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and Assembly Bill 52, as well as assisting clients with the Native American consultation process.
Cultural Resources Management Services
Permit Compliance
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs
Archaeological Construction Monitoring
Discovery Plans
Native American Consultation and Coordination
Test Excavations for Significance Determination
Data Recovery Excavations
Research Designs
Laboratory Analysis
Surveys and Mapping
Archival Research
Records Searches
Intensive Pedestrian Surveys
Stratified Sampling Surveys
GPS and GIS Technology for Site Recording
Permits and Certifications
Register of Professional Archaeologists
U.S. Bureau of Land Management Cultural Resource Use Permits
Secretary of the Interior Standards for Archaeology
Qualified Consultants List for Multiple Agencies
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