Ecological Restoration
RECON is a full-service ecological restoration firm specializing in the preparation of comprehensive and implementable habitat restoration plans and the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of enduring native plant ecosystems. With decades of habitat restoration experience, we have a long history of providing solution-oriented and cost-effective approaches to meet our clients’ unique goals and resource agency objectives.
Our comprehensive work in constructing, maintaining, and managing large-scale and complex ecological restoration projects includes hundreds of projects over thousands of acres of coastal sage scrub, chaparral, grasslands, tidal marsh, riparian, wetlands, woodlands, vernal pools, and desert scrub within the southwestern U.S.
As one of the largest restoration firms in the southwestern U.S., our Restoration Division comprises restoration ecologists, botanists, wildlife biologists, arborists, preserve managers, erosion control and irrigation specialists, and field technicians. RECON’s one-stop ecological restoration services span all phases of the restoration process, including initial planning, installation, long-term maintenance and monitoring, and final approval.
Using a comprehensive and adaptable approach to whole ecosystem remediation, we control every aspect of the restoration process to ensure successful completion for each and every project.
Meagan Olson
Restoration Project Director
Restoration Planning
Plant & Seed Installation
Weed Abatement
Reserve Management
SWPPP Compliance/
Erosion Control
Sensitive Species Restoration
Irrigation Design
& Installation
Regulatory Agency Mitigation Compliance
Qualitative &
Quantitative Monitoring
Permits, Certifications, and Training
California C-27 Landscaping Contractor License #986458
DIR Registration #1000004306
California Qualified Applicator Licenses
ISA Certified Arborist #WE-8496A
California Pest Control Business License #45240
Arizona Custom Applicator License #CAG 400
Nevada Pest Control Business License #6788
Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner
OSHA 10-Hour & 30-Hour Construction Safety and Health
Featured Projects
Metropolitan Airpark Project
Otay River Project
Costa Vista Project
Paradise Cove Project
Professional Affiliations
Originally presented at the California Society for Ecological Restoration 2024 Conference, these presentations highlight some of the critical work our team is engaged in.
Presented by: Jacob Dioli, RECON Ecologist and Ida Kaller-Vincent, Conservation Director at Earth Discovery Institute
In collaboration with the Earth Discovery Institute, RECON restored 15 acres of coastal sage scrub and cactus scrub habitat in eastern San Diego County. This two-year, grant-funded project has created suitable conditions for coastal cactus wren. Although coastal cactus wren is yet to be observed, other native species such as San Diego horned lizard, Southern Pacific rattlesnake, and California kingsnake have been observed utilizing the restored habitat. Enhanced native cover and diversity have also led to increased insect and bird populations throughout the site.
Presented by: Jade Woll, RECON Restoration Project Manager
As the maintenance and monitoring contractor for the University of California, San Diego Ecological Reserve, RECON provides annual maintenance recommendations for the open space areas. RECON works closely with Campus Planning to develop an annual approach to open space management, focusing on non-native species control, trash and debris removal, erosion control, and unauthorized use. Additionally, RECON provides recommendations for areas that may benefit from restoration activities, such as container plant installation, or develops restoration plans for areas needing a larger restoration effort to have a greater impact.