On-Call Contracts
RECON has managed the environmental review process and prepared the necessary documents under CEQA and NEPA for a broad range of public projects, including utility pipelines, power lines, pump stations, treatment plants, roadway and bridge improvements, schools, animal care facilities, airports, and a variety of planning documents, such as general plans, specific plans, and general plan elements.
Third-Party Review
RECON has, for many years, been providing third-party review of technical reports prepared on behalf of applicants by other consulting firms. RECON has supported various governmental agencies with the drafting of CEQA guidelines and thresholds and we are adept at determining compliance with those requirements in a positive manner that promotes a fair and balanced environmental review process.
Adjunct Staffing
While many of our services are provided from our offices, we also have staff who are integrated into government teams to augment and complement their capabilities. This can be done both in the government offices or remotely. Either way, local agencies count on RECON to fully support their needs.